Collection of videos for seventh grade, designed with the purpose of supporting teachers and students in relation to the development of phonological competence within the new curriculum for Third Cycle and Diversified Education.
Spelling names
Substituting final sounds
Substituting initial sounds
Substituting medial sounds
The alphabet and classroom rules
Replacing sounds to create new words 1
Replacing sounds to create new words 2
Replacing sounds to create new words 3
Replacing sounds to create new words 4
Replacing sounds to create new words 5
Short vowel sounds -ad
Short vowel sounds -at
Short vowel sounds -en
Short vowel sounds-t
Inflectional endings (ed)
Inflectional endings (ing)
Inflectional endings (-s, -ed, -ing)
Inflectional endings (-s,-ed,-ing)
Short vowel sounds (-at)
Short vowel sounds -en